
C3-IoC: A Career Guidance System for Assessing Student Skills Using Machine Learning and Network Visualisation

An AI-based system named C3-IoC to help students explore career paths in IT according to their level of education, skills and prior experience.

Evolutionary Multi-objective Clustering Over Multiple Conflicting Data Views

An evolutionary method to multi-view clustering, the algorithm optimizes multiple objectives simultaneously to effectively explore the space of candidate trade-offs between the data views.

What’s in a Distance? Exploring the Interplay Between Distance Measures and Internal Cluster Validity in Multi-objective Clustering

This article explores the interaction between dissimilarity measures and internal cluster validity techniques in the context of multi-objective clustering.

Multi-view Clustering of Heterogeneous Health Data: Application to Systemic Sclerosis

This exploratory work aims to avoid this premature integration of attribute types prior to cluster analysis through a multi-objective evolutionary algorithm called MVMC.

BicViz 🦠

A visualizer of SSc biclusters.

A Survey of Cluster Validity Indices for Automatic Data Clustering Using Differential Evolution

This work evaluates the effectiveness of 22 different CVIs used as fitness functions in an evolutionary clustering algorithm.

An Evolutionary Many-objective Approach to Multiview Clustering Using Feature and Relational data

We present an evolutionary algorithm for the problem of multiview cluster analysis by exploiting recent advances in the field of evolutionary optimization.

On the Interaction Between Distance Functions and Clustering Criteria in Multi-objective Clustering

We investigate the interaction between the clustering criteria employed in a multi-objective algorithm and the distance functions on which these criteria operate.

CVIK Toolbox

A CVI toolbox for estimating the number of clusters.

Automatic Clustering Algorithms: A Systematic Review and Bibliometric Analysis of Relevant Literature

This paper presents a systematic taxonomical overview and bibliometric analysis of the trends and progress in nature-inspired metaheuristic clustering approaches from the early attempts in the 1990s until today’s novel solutions.